Elevation: 10, 407 ft
Elevation Gain: 630 ft (cumulative)
The Treeline Loop on Tennessee Pass near Leadville and Ski Cooper is not the most exciting trail but it sure is popular. Exceptionally well marked, blue diamonds and large wooden signs guide cross-country skiers and snowshoers through the loop options, which is good, because otherwise it would be very easy to get lost.

The route starts on Tennessee Pass in a large parking lot directly across from the entrance to Ski Cooper. For this parking lot there are 4 possible routes. The Treeline Loop and the Powderhound Loop are the shortest and together form a very mushed numeral 8. The middle portion of the 8 is the same for both loops.
The initial portion of the trail is totally in the trees and winds east and west as the trees permit. This is the first trail I have been on where there was a separate track for skiers and snowshoers. I found this particularly tedious because the two tracks interwove continuously so we were constantly trudging back and forth.
After 400 ft or so of elevation gain we came to the top of the ridge. Here there were a few open meadows but still no views. There were so many tracks that it took us a while to find a blue diamond and our route. Don't let the meadow bushwhacks fool you, there is another wooden trail sign at the apex of the 8 (at 1.34 miles) and you should persist along the ridge until you come to it.
Our original intent had been to do the Powderhound Loop, but we were frankly so bored with the area that we wanted out of there as quickly as possible and so chose to head left on the shorter Treeline Loop.

From this point the trail heads sharply downward through yet more trees until it reaches the other side of the Continental Divide Trail. This junction at 1.92 miles is also marked with a wooden sign. From this intersection the Treeline Loop heads left and back up to the parking area.

Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows I don't like being in the trees. Whether hiking or snowshoeing I like the wide-open view. Having done the Bemrose Ski Circus off of Hoosier Pass near the Breckenridge Ski Resort the day prior, this trail seemed like a snore-fest. Don't let my jaded attitudes prevent you from trying it however. It is ideal for novices since it is relatively flat and well marked and it would be ideal on a day when the nefarious Leadville winds are blowing. If you are in the area and want something more challenging with better views, check out Vance's Cabin, the Lower Mosquito Pass Road or my all time favorite Mayflower Gulch near Copper Mountain.
Obviously one for me, when I eventually get to your part of the world.
We just did this trail today and we just loved it. Snorefest? I think not!
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