Elevation: 11,100 ft - 11,888 ft
Elevation Gain: 788 ft (net), 1,135 ft (cumulative)
Date Hiked: 31 July, 2011
Dogs: Off leash
Bathroom at trailhead: Yes
Shrine Mountain off of Shrine Pass near the Copper Mountain Ski Resort has by far the best scenery I have seen in Colorado thus far. It beats out Mt. Thomas, which has similar views but a much larger effort, and Mayflower Gulch, which had here-to-fore has been the trail I returned to year after year, season after season. To think that this trail is practically in my back yard makes it all the more appealing. It is short enough for a quick after work jaunt to watch the sunset from the ridgeline.
I don't know if it is the 2011 season or this trail but the wildflowers in this area boggled the mind. There were so many colors and textures I wanted to wallow in them forever. This is summer in the Rocky Mountains at its best. Green meadows, flowers galore, and deep blue skies interrupted by fluffy white clouds and the occasional thunderstorm. If these characteristics don't want to make you jump on the plane or buy John Denver's Greatest Hits then there is just no help for you!
The route up Shrine Mountain begins at Shrine Pass, which is located only a few miles up Shrine Pass Road from Vail Pass. In the winter there is a fee to use this area in summer there is no fee. The road, while bumpy in spots is passable with a passenger car. Don't be fooled by several of the smaller pull outs along the way. There is a 50 car parking lot at the Pass and bathrooms. You'll know it when you see it.
The trail follows the gravel road to the Shrine Mountain Inn for a short distance and then quickly veers left into the willows. The views already begin with a panorama down towards Copper Mountain. I suspect the willows will be stunning in the fall. The trail skirts the edge of the meadow and climbs slowly upwards. You can see people and the trail in the distance (around 0.8 miles up the trail) before it finally disappears into the towering Fir forest.
From the time you enter the trees, it is only a short mile all the way to the saddle. The route stays in the trees until it exits at the base of the ridge itself, which stands as a towering wall both directly in front of you and to the left. The route goes to the right and wanders through large red rock monoliths before gradually ascending to the saddle. Near the top is large cornice of snow that looks like it stays there all year. Hikers have trudged a route directly across it. While slippery, it is not dangerous in anyway.
Immediately greeting the hiker upon arrive at the saddle is an expansive view to southwest highlighted by the Mount of the Holy Cross, which dominates the view. Some people ascend to just this point for this view alone. To the left is a long, lazy climb through open green meadows and to the right is the summit of Shrine Mountain and the ridge beyond with its fascinating rock formations. A hiker familiar with the area said go right first. Had the weather not intruded, I would have done both.
The route to the right is relatively flat for a quarter of a mile or so. There is a large plateau here where other hikers lounged to admire Holy Cross and the teeming wildflowers at their feet. It was tempted to linger there for a while, but the clouds were building ominously, so after snapping a hundred or so flower pictures, I continued on.
From this point, the trail climbs steeply for another quarter of a mile. When I reached the apex of this section I did not realize that I had ascended a name "mountain". It really is just a hump on top of the ridge itself. I have never understood how some large mountains, like the peak just before Mt. Sniktau are unnamed while these lumps of rock are named. I am sure there is logic in there someplace.

So visitors to our fair State, if you any where near Vail, Copper Mountain, Frisco, Silverthorne etc and have only one day to hike, this is the trail for you. The views will border on a religious experience. You might just pull up stakes and move here permanently. John Denver would be proud.
1 comment:
Thanks again for the work on these trail descriptions and photos. Although we did not take the time for the trail you describe we did proceed further along the road about 1.7 miles to a handicap accessible trail leading down a short path to Julia's Deck, a beautiful overlook with a view of Mount of the Holy Cross albeit without snow in mid July 2012. Not another soul in sight on that easy quarter mile trail. The trail to Julia's Deck allows wheelchair bound persons access to a beautiful view.
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