Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Ceran St. Vrain

Distance: 3.85 miles round trip
Elevation: 8,365 ft - 8,105 ft
Elevation Gain: 260 ft (gain on the trip back)
Dogs: Off Leash

St. Vrain Creek
Ceran St.Vrain near Jamestown, CO (northwest of Boulder) is a short but relaxing trail through a pleasant mixed Lodgepole and Spruce forest with lots of water action to get your Zen on. Dogs are allowed off leash, which is a blessing for those of us with hunting dogs that need to run. The trail gets its name from Ceran St.Vrain, an 1800's resident who was know for building forts along several creeks in the area.

The trailhead. There is a large parking area and a nice place to picnic near the creek off to the left.
A few yards from the trailhead is a quaint bridge over the creek
At the beginning of the trail is a primitive campground so be prepared for the intoxicating smell of camp delectables cooking over a wood fire. The trail itself is packed dirt and pine needles, a welcome respite from the rocky terrain that blesses most of the Front Range. 

There are many views of the creek from the trail
In contrast to the mountains that provide the water that fills St. Vrain Creek, the trail heads downwards for a gradual loss of 200 ft. Where the trail ends is subjective since it seems to run into a series of 4x4 roads. You'll know this because the trail widens a bit and there may be a signs for roads 801 and 252. One of these leads to Miller Rock, but finding it can be a chore. 

A typical trail section. Notice the lush vegetation and the nice soft trail.
The only downside of this trail is that it is up past Jamestown. This route is a mecca for hordes of cyclists who use the steep climbs to train for even harder events. While I am all for sharing the road, it can be unnerving to dodge and weave around these unpredictable two-wheeled demons.

The forested areas are open and appealing

To get to the trailhead, travel 5.5 miles north of Boulder on Highway 36 to Lefthand Canyon. Turn left on and drive 8.4 miles to Jamestown. Continue through the town and be sure to follow the posted speed limits. After Jamestown, the road becomes Overland Rd and will transition to dirt road 4.5 miles beyond the town. Avoid the left fork at this point and continue approximately 0.5 miles to the trailhead on the right.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Barr Lake

Distance: 9 mile loop
Elevation gain: none, flat
Dogs: Not allowed
Critters: Birds, birds birds!
Bathroom at Trailhead: Yes

Distant view of birds out on Barr Lake
Barr Lake is a State Park filled with waterfowl. I went there to try out my new 500mm Canon lens. The lake was too low to get very close to the birds but the scenery made up for it. All the marsh plants were high and dry and a fall-ish rusty color. The weather was also sublime, particularly knowing that the following day it was supposed to snow!

A group of Cackling Geese (Branta hutchinsii) swim past some of their sleeping cousins [Canada Geese (Branta canadensis)]. Until recently, the Cackling Goose was thought to be a sub-species of the Canada Goose. They have shorter necks, are smaller in general, and have a dark breast.

A half of a mile from the shoreline was a small cluster of birds. These include Pelicans and Cormorants.
American Coot (Fulica americana) was a common site at the lake.
I was surprised at how built up the area is around the lake. There is one large shopping mall nearby and the ubiquitous Starbucks a few miles away for those who need their fix. It was not long ago that Barr Lake was practically "in Kansas" it was so far out on the plains. Humans are encroaching here as well.

My prized shot, a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) roosting in a tall Cottonwood tree. We had stood under this tree for half an hour taking pictures, walked on and met some birders who asked if we had seen the owl. We raced back and there he was. I "hoo hoo'ed" at him and he open his eye ever so slightly. From the ground and with the naked eye he looked like just part of the tree. See how his banded feathers make him blend in with the tree bark?

Bald Eagle from a mile a way. Compared with my photos of Bald Eagles from the Bird Islands Nova Scotia, this shot is particularly dull. You can walk right up to this snag however.

Female Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)

The park contains a nice nature center, which puts on educational programs. There was the typical stuffed birds and animal skins. I wrapped the fox skin around my neck and struck a naughty, aristocratic pose. Fortunately, only the ghosts of the birds lining the walls were there to poo poo my shameful behavior. The nature center also has a solarium with a nice couch overlooking an extensive bird feeder. Numerous Sparrows and Blue Jays could be seen hopping about feeding area.

Views of the Lake

The trail around the lake is a broad dirt road intermixed with side trails and board walks. While long, it is any easy walk. Since we were all loaded down with camera gear we only managed to travel 1.5 miles to a gazebo that juts out into the water. From there we saw the resident Bald Eagle on its perch a mile away. Some large deer with huge antlers could be seen cowering under the shrubbery near the eagle's nest. The closest birds were only 0.3 miles from the nature center however near a nice shaded sitting area.

Boardwalk from the Gazebo. At one point this was all over water.

Some areas of the lake are totally overgrown now

I have no idea if the water level in Barr Lake is seasonal or if drought has kept it low. For now it is better enjoyed as a broad panorama vice a photographers mecca.

North Rock Creek Snowshoe

Distance: 4 miles round trip Elevation: 9,180 ft to 9,780 ft Elevation Gain: 600 ft Dogs: Off leash until the wilderness boundary North...